Global Point of Care

Take Control of Diabetes
with HbA1Testing


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Take Control of Diabetes with HbA1c Testing

Rapid point-of-care testing for quick decisions on diabetes

Rapid point-of-care testing for quick decisions on diabetes

Diabetes is one of the biggest global public health concerns and continues to rise in prevalence. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), says that, as of 2021, 537 million adults 20-79 years old are living with diabetes worldwide. That’s the same as 1 in 10 people. Unfortunately, this number is set to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045.1

Significantly, diabetes is a condition that can remain undiagnosed, sometimes for years. Almost one in two adults with diabetes remains undiagnosed.1 Type 2 diabetes makes up most of these cases. With clear links to comorbidities, such as cardiovascular disease, renal disease, nephropathy, and eye problems, diabetes is a growing burden on patients and healthcare systems globally.

Diabetes disproportionately affects people living in developing countries.

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Over 4 in 5 adults with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries.1

• Diabetes is one of the fastest growing global health emergencies of the 21st century.1
• In 2021, there were about 8.4 million individuals worldwide with type 1 diabetes.2
• Diabetes is one of the fastest growing global health emergencies of the 21st century.1
• In 2021, there were about 8.4 million individuals worldwide with type 1 diabetes.2
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Abbott is the world’s #1 provider of POC testing programs.

We’re changing disease management around the globe. We can help you and your staff manage diabetes in your patients with better outcomes for everyone.

Where Clinical Need Meets Patient Care

With the high rates of diabetes globally, and large groups of undiagnosed prediabetic patients it's likely you, as a primary care professional, encounter it every day.

Testing, treatment, and compliance are the most effective ways to address diabetes. But, of course, these first rely on a diagnosis.

From the physician’s office to point-of-care sites in hospitals, rapid, reliable HbA1c testing helps to provide the clinical care that patients deserve. When patients have their tests and results on their first visit, they can manage prediabetes or diabetes more effectively.

Point-of-care testing enhances clinical efficiencies in busy practices and can help to stem the massive economic impact of diabetes around the world.

Diagnose Diabetes and Manage Patients with POC HbA1c Testing

Point of care (POC) HbA1c testing allows for accurate test results, diagnosis, and diabetes management counseling. Where central laboratory testing can take days before results are back, rapid diagnostics provide results in minutes.

With HbA1c point-of-care testing results on hand, you can create immediate coachable moments with your patients and educate them on their condition, empower them to take part in their own care, and adapt their treatment as required, without the need to bring them back for another consultation.

One US primary care practice before and after implementation of POC testing showed3:
  • 61% reduction in patient revisits
  • 89% fewer post-visit follow-up calls
  • 85% fewer follow-up letters


Increase Compliance for Better Patient Outcomes

Studies show that patients who test in compliance with ADA guidelines are over five times more likely to achieve a recommended HbA1c under 7% than those who do not.4 HbA1c testing at the point of care makes it easy and convenient for patients to be tested regularly since it only takes a few minutes and no extra lab visits or follow-ups are needed.

Patients are also more likely to test regularly when it’s quick and convenient for them. A minimally invasive finger stick blood sample is less time-consuming and less painful when compared to venous blood draw.4 It is also suitable for children and the elderly and individuals who are averse to needles.

Research has shown that there are links between the immediacy of point-of-care results, patient motivation to be aware of their condition, and long-term adherence to guideline recommendations.5  

Currently, patient compliance with guideline targets is poor; only 26.7% of US patients diagnosed with diabetes meet combined targets for glycemic, blood pressure, and cholesterol control6.
Clinical study results demonstrated:
finger stick icon finger stick icon finger stick icon
A 27% improvement in ADA-compliant testing6
lower HbA1c icon lower HbA1c icon lower HbA1c icon
Lower HbA1c levels after starting POC testing6

Increase Compliance for Better Patient Outcomes

Studies show that patients who test in compliance with ADA guidelines are over five times more likely to achieve a recommended HbA1c under 7% than those who do not4. HbA1c testing at the point of care makes it easy and convenient for patients to be tested regularly since it only takes a few minutes and no extra lab visits or follow-ups are needed.

Patients are also more likely to test regularly when it’s quick and convenient for them. A minimally invasive finger stick blood sample is less time-consuming and less painful when compared to venous blood draw.4 It is also suitable for children and the elderly and individuals who are averse to needles.

Research has shown that there are links between the immediacy of point-of-care results, patient motivation to be aware of their condition, and long-term adherence to guideline recommendations.5  

Currently, patient compliance with guideline targets is poor; only 26.7% of US patients diagnosed with diabetes meet combined targets for glycemic, blood pressure, and cholesterol control6.
Clinical study results demonstrated:
finger stick icon finger stick icon finger stick icon
A 27% improvement in ADA-compliant testing6
lower HbA1c icon lower HbA1c icon lower HbA1c icon
Lower HbA1c levels after starting POC testing6

Afinion™ HbA1c is the #1 point-of-care test worldwide8

With its compact size and panel of tests, the Afinion 2 System is ideal for POC testing in physician offices, clinics, community health centers, retirement homes, emergency rooms, and hospital outpatient clinics.

The Afinion 2 Analyzer provides accurate lab-quality6 results, so the right treatment plan can be implemented with confidence. Certified by NGSP and IFCC the Afinion 2 Analyzer showed excellent results in an independent performance study from the European Reference Laboratory for Glycohemoglobin.8


  1. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 10th edn. 2021
  2. Gregory GA, Robinson TIG, Linklater SE et al. Global incidence, prevalence, and mortality of type 1 diabetes in 2021 with projection to 2040: a modelling study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2022; 10: 741–60
  3. Crocker JB, Lee-Lewandrowski E, Lewandrowski N, et al. Am J Clin Pathol. 2014
  4. Lian J, Liang Y. Diabetes management in the real world and the impact of adherence to guideline recommendations. Curr Med Res & Op. 2014; 30(11):2233-2240
  5. Laurence CO, Gialamas A, Bubner T. Patient satisfaction with point-of-care testing in general practice. Br J Gen Pract. 2010;60(572): e98–e104
  6. Ali MK, McKeever Bullard K, Gregg EW, del Rio C. A Cascade of Care for Diabetes in the United States: Visualizing the Gaps. Ann Intern Med. 2014; 161(10):681-689
  7. Afinion HbA1c package insert 117194 Rev. A 2021/10.
  8. Data on file. Based on 2022 sales data.