Global Point of Care

Cholestech LDX System Product Demo Library

The Cholestech LDX™ System is an efficient and economical point-of-care testing system for measuring cholesterol and related lipids, and blood glucose. It serves as a diagnostic tool that provides information for immediate risk assessment and therapeutic monitoring of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Watch training modules 1 through 8 and take the Cholestech LDX™ System Post-Training Quiz.

The Cholestech LDX system has an important product update – please click HERE (PDF 257 KB) to read the update.

Please be advised that the Legal Manufacturer address displayed on the pouch within the video has changed to 9942 Mesa Rim Rd San Diego, CA 92121.  

Please note that the printout demonstrated within the video will have a new limitation statement printed on the footer going forward. Specifically, it indicates that the “Cholestech LDX™ is not for use in children under the age of 2 years or patients with hyperbilirubinemia (elevated bilirubin levels)”.