Global Point of Care

Afinion 2 Analyzer Web Server Tutorial

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Afinion 2 Analyzer Web Server Tutorial

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide instructions on how to use the Afinion 2 Web Server feature. This optional feature is included in Afinion Software release 21.13 and above. Users can use this feature to perform the following activities:

  • Configure or change the Afinion 2 Network Settings from a computer
  • Upgrade the Afinion 2 analyzer software from a computer, as an alternative to existing way using USB thumb drive

2. Requirements

This section describes the prerequisite for the Afinion 2 Web Server.

2.1   Equipment
  • Computer with connection to Afinion 2 analyzer via Ethernet port1
  • Ethernet cable
2.2   Afinion 2 Analyzer
  • Instrument software version must be 21.13 or higher
2.3   Operator Credentials
  • Operator must have the user ID and password required to access the Afinion 2 Web Server
    • Default username: admin
    • Default password: Userpw1&

3. Computer network and Afinion 2 configurations

Activities described in this section must be performed prior to using the Afinion 2 Web Server.

3.1   Connect Afinion 2 Analyzer
  1. Ensure the analyzer is powered off
  2. Connect the analyzer to the computer via Ethernet port using Ethernet cable
3.2   Configure Afinion 2 Analyzer Network Settings
  1. Power on the analyzer and wait until Start-up menu screen is displayed
Getting Started

2. Touch background image icon from the Start-up menu to enter Main menu

Getting Started

3. Touch icon icon from the Main menu to enter Configuration menu

Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

4. Touch icon icon from the Configuration menu to enter General setting menu

Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

5. Touch icon icon from the General settings menu to enter Network setting screen

Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

6. Touch 'web server' and then icon from the Network settings screen to start Web Server network configuration

7. Enter for the IP Address2

8. Touch iconto confirm and continue to Network Mask

9. Enter for the Network Mask 

10. Touch iconto confirm and continue to Gateway

11. Enter for the Gateway

12. Touch iconto confirm and continue to Host Name

13. Enter preferred Host Name

Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

14. Touch iconto confirm and return to analyzer network setting view

15. Touch iconto confirm and return to analyzer network setting view

3.3   Configure Computer Network Settings to a static IP address
Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

1. Open View network connections from the start menu

Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

2. Right-click and select Properties on the connection that is connected to the Afinion 2 Analyzer. 

Note: Administrator privileges are required to change the network settings. 

Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

3. Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and then click Properties from the Ethernet Properties dialog window. 

Getting Started Getting Started Getting Started

4. From the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box, select “Use the following IP address:” radio button, set IP address and Subnet mask to the following, and click OK:

  • IP address:
  • Subnet mask:

5. Click OK from the Ethernet Properties dialog box to exit. 

4. Upgrade software using the web server

4.1 Connect and Login to web server
Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

1. From the computer, open a web browser and type in the IP address of Afinion (see step 7 in section 3.2) on the address bar and press Enter

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

2. Enter a valid username and password when prompted to access the site (see section 2.3). 

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

3. Main page is displayed upon login. 

4.2 Configure Afinion 2 Analyzer Network Settings
Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

1. Select Configuration from the Web Server Main page

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

2. Update any desired fields from the Configuration page and click Update settings to save the changes to Afinion 2 Analyzer. 

3. If desired, click Reset settings to default to reset network and connectivity settings back to default. 

4.3 Upgrade Afinion 2 Analyzer Software
  1. Download the software upgrade file4 from to your computer
  2. Place the software upgrade file in a location of your choice on the computer
  3. Connect the computer to the Afinion 2 Analyzer via LAN
Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

4. Select Software upgrade from the Main page

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

5. Click Choose File from the Software upgrade page to select the software upgrade file

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server
Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

6. From the file browser, navigate to the location of the software upgrade file, select the file, and click Open. Selected file name is displayed next to the Choose File.

Note: The upgraded software version must be equal to or higher than the existing instrument software version. 

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

7. Click on the Upgrade software to upload and apply the software upgrade file. Upon completion of the software upgrade process, Afinion 2 analyzer is rebooted automatically. 

Note: Progress bar indicates the software upload progress. 

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

8. From the Afinion 2 Analyzer screen, confirm the software upgrade by touching the icon

Using the web server Using the web server Using the web server

9. Afinion 2 Analyzer Start-up menu is displayed upon completion of software upgrade and self-test. Verify that the upgraded software version is displayed on the Start-up menu


  1. There is no defined limit on the number of computers Afinion can communicate with. In a LAN, Afinion can support 1 to many connections and many to 1 connection, as long as the Afinions have different IP addresses.
  2. In this example, we use the default IP address. It can be any valid IP address in the same subnet as the connected computer/LAN.
  3. In this example we use the first available IP address in the same subnet as the default IP address of Afinion. It can be any valid IP address, as long as the computer and the Afinion are in the same subnet.
  4. The software upgrade fails if it's an older version than the currently installed software.